Infusion device
Field: Medical engineering
Task: Support in the implementation of the medical standard IEC/EN 60601-1
Customer: onefusion AG
The company onefusion AG has developed an infusion device which should revolutionise the market of infusion therapy. 1nfusion is designed to better monitor infusion administration and thus make it safer, which not only helps the patient but also considerably saves time for the nursing staff.
1nfusion is a medical device. joylab supported onefusion AG in the implementation of the medical standard IEC/EN 60601-1 and advised on electrical safety issues. For this purpose, the device concept, the individual components, and the in-field application with patients were analysed. Based on this information, relevant standard clauses were identified and applied.
The resulting insulation concept helped the onefusion engineers to develop the device according to market standards and to facilitate and accelerate the medical device approval process.